Salmon Faverolle

The Salmon Faverolle is a good size chicken with muffs, beard, feathered legs, and a 5th toe. Roosters are a Straw color with red and black markings. Roosters also have beetle green showing on many of those black feathers, especially in their tails. Females are cream white with salmon brown. Chicks are the Gerber baby of chicks with their fuzzy faces.

The Salmon Faverolle is an excellent winter layer and was bred for this in France

Egg Laying — Good producer of cream colored eggs

Hardy — tolerates heat and is excellent in cold climates

Temperament – Friendly and talkers

Adaptability – more of a passive bird, tolerates confinement very well. Will range in small areas but prefers to stay close to their coop which can be very beneficial in high predator areas.