Blue Sex links

Blue and Black Sex Links are a hybrid chicken.

We use a Blue Australorp Rooster and a Plymouth Barred Rock Hen to produce these exceptional hens. These are sex links and the sexes are easily distinguishable at the time of hatch.

These Hens are various shades of blue to black. Both will mature out between 5-6 lbs.

These birds are extremely hardy and are excellent layers of large brown eggs.

Black Sex links

Black Star Sex Links

Black Stars are a hybrid chicken.

We use a Heritage Rhode Island Red Rooster and a Plymouth Barred Rock Hen to produce these wonderful hens. These are sex links and the sexes are easily distinguishable at the time of hatch.

We have 2 types, one which is mostly black with red neck and sometimes chest. The other is mostly Red with black running through her neck, chest and wings. Both will mature out between 5-6 lbs.

These birds are extremely hardy and are excellent layers of large brown eggs.